Sunday, February 20, 2011


hurm..awalnye rsult kuor..24/2..xtao a pe nseb aq..
hrap2 dpat result gempak..
sama2lah kte b'doa dax spm 2010 dpat result yg cmerlang,gmilng n sumer 2 lh..
k lh.,.bye2..see yaa!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

nak cari baju hangin out ngan prens esok..teehee...

tema baju warna putih...hurm..mne erk...
last2 aq teringat kat baju aq baru beli..
pkai pown lom agi tao...
dah jumpe..
settle problem..
haha...bukan masalah besar pown..
poem : BEST FRIEND Let me be the bandage for ur bleeding,
let me be the ocean for ur tears,
let me be the secret of ur healing,
let me the song to still ur fears,
love isn't love that cannot love in darkness,
nor is it love that turns away from pain,
nor would i not hold ur sadness,
and with my love your love of life sustain,
so dot think ur malady a burden,
and do not think my willingness deceit,
just let ur sorrow flow into my garden,
and i will share with u the  harvest sweet..